The Energy of the Medieval Music

After a summer with a lot of sun, the return to the rehearsal room is the ideal catalyst for the release of positive energy, especially if the songs performed are jumpy, or at least cheerful. The next image captures a moment in Packington’s Pound, rhythmically and vocally, as an exercise in breathing and balance. Not […]

Medieval Music in 2019

Today, in the context of the consumer society corresponding to the period we are going through, the lifespan of almost all products, including cultural ones, is extremely short. Referring to music, songs that do not disappear (until a possible revival), often “migrate” from clubs, discos, or concert halls to elevators, shops and retro shows, or […]

Nomen Est Omen Rehearseal

To sound at least honorable in concert, it takes much more work than the an outsider can imagine. In a band, individual training is only a necessary, not sufficient for things to get it right. It takes an irrational type of communication, which can be established only when playing together. This is why every musician is both a […]

Nomen Est Omen in China

Nomen Est Omen’s 2017 tour in China meant, beyond the cultural dimension, a continuous series of photo shoots, at concerts and especially after; on the street, in vehicles, or in restaurants. Subjects were the protagonists themselves and photographers a large part of those we met, from officials or spectators, to waitresses and cooks, the latter having a lot of […]

Transylvanian Citadels, XVIIth Edition

Nomen Est Omen participated in 14 of the 17 editions of the Transylvanian Citadels Festival held until 2017. The Medieval and Renaissance music concerts held in the Grand Square of Sibiu,  are in line with the thinking of Umberto Eco who saw Middle Ages in all things, appearing in all his activities “which were not, […]

MedievArt Fest

MedievArt brand is synonymous with the reenactment movement in Romania, but also with good humor, positive thinking and the joy to share with other people common values. Diverse through their artistic activities, the participants in such events complement and stimulate each other, all in the idea of ​​providing the public (His Highness, the public), all […]